Creative Brand Strategy: Final Compilation & Reflection

04.04.2023 - 27.06.2023 (Week 1 - Week 13)

Adeline Wong Chyn Nee / 0344017 / Tai Li Lian
Creative Brand Strategy
Final Compilation & Reflection


Task 01: Case Study & Campaign Proposal

Task 02: Ideation & Design Direction

Task 03: Campaign Branding


Task 01: Case Study & Campaign Proposal

Week 01 - Week 04 (04/04/2023 - 25/04/2023)

Estimated Hours:

Task 01(A) - Case Study: 6 Hours
Task 01 (B) - Campaign Proposal: 6 Hours

Task 1A: Case Study

Task 1B: 
Campaign Proposal

Task 02: Ideation & Design Direction

Week 04 - Week 06 (25/04/2023 - 09/05/2023)

Estimated Hours: 8 Hours

Task 03: Campaign Branding

Week 06 - Week 13 (09/05/2023 - 25/06/2023)

Estimated Hours: 46 Hours


I don't know if these two goes well but imo, CBS has been a stressful but fun module! It's been a module filled with fun and experimentation. What made it even better was the freedom to choose any brand we liked. It wasn't some random assigned brand, but it was something we genuinely enjoyed. That made all the difference. Throughout this module, I've learned a lot more about branding strategies than last time. From analysing a campaign to creating eye-catching designs for my own campaign, the knowledge I gained is priceless. What I loved most about CBS was the chance to be daring and try new things. We had the creative freedom to go beyond the usual and explore innovative ideas. It was a breath of fresh air, allowing me to unleash my imagination and showcase my design chops. As I move forward, I'm excited to keep using the skills I've acquired in CBS. They'll definitely come in handy in future projects. In a nutshell, CBS has been a delight. It's been a mix of learning, experimenting, and personal enjoyment. I'm grateful for the experiences, the chance to be creative, and the valuable skills I've gained along the way. 

One of the most eye-opening aspects of the module was witnessing the incredible critique skills demonstrated by Ms. Lilian. Every time I sought her feedback, I was amazed by her ability to identify areas for improvement that I had overlooked. Her insights and advice consistently transformed my campaign branding, helping me refine and enhance my designs. It was truly inspiring to witness the depth of her expertise and the impact it had on my work.

As I ventured into editing my mockups, I discovered a newfound boldness, I don't know what came over me but in the past, I hesitated to edit layers beyond the image layer, fearing that it might disrupt the overall form or shadowing of the mockup. However, during this module, I mustered the courage to explore further. Perhaps it was due to my growing familiarity with Photoshop, but I found myself comfortably adjusting other layers, such as reshaping the mockup to better fit my merchandise. This newfound freedom to manipulate various elements within the mockup allowed me to achieve a more customized and tailored branding presentation. Overall, my experience in this module has been enlightening and fulfilling.


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