Minor Project / Haelan Herbs

3.04.2023 - 16.07.2023 (Week 1 - Week 15)

Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media

Adeline Wong Chyn Nee / 0344017 / Mike Choong

Minor Project / Haelan Herbs

Minor Project / Haelan Herbs
Week 01 - Week 15


During the first week, our class covered a variety of topics, and one in particular caught my attention - 'Apothecary'. Instead of comparing and contrasting all the topics, I was more focused on exploring how the others measured up to 'Apothecary', and none of them quite matched its allure. So, I made my decision. Having experienced traditional practices like cupping, moxibustion, and acupuncture last year, along with Adena, my interest in 'Apothecary' grew even stronger.

Forming our group turned out to be a seamless process since we knew each other well and had worked together in groups before. During Monday's class, myself, Adena, and Alicia, were present. However, we needed three more members. Yiki and Sasilvia came to mind immediately, and upon asking them, we only needed one more member. Yiki then brought in Adlina, completing our group!

As a group, we headed on to our first task which is contextual research where we diligently focused on our research endeavors, and by Saturday night, we updated our progress on the MIRO board.

Task 01: Proposal

1. Research (Contextural Research)

A. My contextural research

Fig. 1.1.1 Research Topics Roles

Fig. 1.1.2 - 1.3 Research Aim and Task

For my part in the project, I am tasked with examining future trends in the parenting and family product market. To accomplish this, I will explore what constitutes the parenting/family product of OUD and analyze whether their family product market is expected to grow, along with the reasons behind such growth. Additionally, I will conduct a comparison between the present and future trends in the market.

The aim of my research is to provide valuable insights that will guide the development of product offerings and marketing strategies. By understanding the evolving trends and consumer needs in the parenting and family product market, our team can align our brand's offerings with the demands of the industry.

Ultimately, the results of my research will play a role in shaping the direction of our project. We will use this information to make decisions on product development, ensuring that our brand stays relevant in the family product market.

Fig. 1.1.4 Contextual Research on MIRO (Family Product Market)


B. Group's contextural research

Group Contextual Research (PDF):
Fig. 1.1.5 Group Contextual Research (PDF)

Summary of Group Contextual Research (PDF):
Fig. 1.1.6 Group Contextual Research Summary (PDF)

2. Meeting with Mr. Damien
After that, we scheduled a meeting with Mr. Damien to gain a comprehensive understanding of the product and clarify our responsibilities. His perspective on Apothecary proved to be highly inspiring and gave us a clearer direction moving forward.

During the meeting, we were informed that we had the opportunity to do a site visit where the agarwood oil products are displayed and we could inquire about the brand and products in a detailed manner with interview. We promptly set a suitable date for the visit, which was scheduled on Friday, the 28th of April, after some of us finished our classes at 2 PM.

3. Persona
From what Mr. Mike mentioned and advised in class, we now had to identify and define our target market's age range and determine the primary and secondary markets. To achieve this, we needed to confirm 3-4 personas that best represented the target market. Collaboratively, our team worked on crafting detailed questionnaires and/or interview questions tailored to each persona's unique characteristics and experiences.

Additionally, we compiled a list of potential survey targets and/or interviewee identities to approach for gathering valuable insights based on the formulated questions. Once we had these crucial elements in place, we streamline the data collection process and ensured that we obtained comprehensive feedback from our identified personas.

Fig. 1.3.1 Haelan Herbs Persona on MIRO

After thoroughly discussing the personas and interview approach, our group members weighed the options and decided to opt for a Google Form questionnaire instead. We recognized that conducting interviews could provide valuable in-depth insights, but we also acknowledged that it might be time-consuming and challenging to reach a significant number of respondents.

By choosing the Google Form questionnaire, we believed that we could effectively reach a broader audience and gather responses from a larger pool of potential customers. This method would allow us to collect data efficiently and ensure a more comprehensive representation of our target market's preferences and needs.

With the decision made, we set out to draft the Google Form questionnaire with carefully curated questions that aligned with the identified personas. The aim was to gather insights that would help us tailor our herbal products to meet the diverse needs and preferences of our target market effectively.

In summary, by choosing the Google Form questionnaire over the interview approach, we aimed to reach more respondents and obtain accurate, data-driven insights that would guide us in creating a successful and appealing herbal product line.

4. Google Form Questionnaire
We utilized MIRO to add some questionnaire question blocks ourselves at home for each persona after our meeting session where we put up all the questions we could think of, creating an extensive list. Later, we refined and streamlined them to finalize the most relevant ones. Once done, we compiled them into a Google Doc before transferring the selected questions onto the Google Form for the ultimate data collection process. This ensured that our questionnaire was comprehensive and tailored to each persona's unique perspective.

Fig. 1.4.1 Question Blocks on MIRO

A. Questionnaire's Questions Document (PDF)
Fig. 1.1.9 Questions Document (PDF)

B. Google Form Questionnaire (PDF)
Fig. 1.1.10 Screenshots of Google Form Questionnaire (PDF)

I then proceeded to share the questionnaire after we finalised it. I shared it on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Discord, Whatsapp, and other specific survey sharing platforms.
Fig. 1.1.11 Sharing the Survey on Instagram

Here is the analysis of the questionnaire done by our group member Yiki:

In another word, the questionnaire results analysed shows that most respondents above 24 frequently use herbal products, while those below 24 are aware of them but use them less often. Herbal products are seen as expensive, so reducing packaging costs while maintaining sustainability is essential. Detailed product information is crucial for transparency. Pregnant/new moms prefer home-brewed herbal mixes, and Eu Yan Sang and Himalaya are popular brands. Affordability and including medicinal information appeal to various personas. Marketing with research-backed evidence enhances appeal. Effectiveness and quality build trust in a health brand, followed by affordability.

5. D'advance Agarwood Solution Site Visit
During our visit to D'advance Agarwood Solutions shop in Bukit Jalil, I had an exciting and enlightening experience. We first met up with Mr. Damien where he brought us up to the site and introduced us to Ms. Zaiqi. She then guided us through their range of agarwood products, sharing valuable insights about their target audience and the agarwood market.

Exploring and trying out various agarwood-infused products like essential oils, skincare items, and incense sticks was a lot of fun. I used my phone to capture captivating pictures, while Alicia and Yiki used a DSLR camera brought from home to take stunning photographs and videos of the shop and its products.

Throughout the visit, Ms. Zaiqi patiently answered our questions, and Adena diligently took detailed notes of the information shared. The experience not only deepened our understanding of agarwood products but also provided valuable input for our project.

Fig. 1.5.1 Site Visit #01

Fig. 1.5.2 Site Visit #02

Fig. 1.5.3 Site Visit #03

6. UJM, Insight, and HMW

During a face-to-face meeting, we brainstormed to fill up the User Journey Map. We compiled the feedback from Mr. Mike from previous classes and applied the touchpoints into our UJM.

Fig. 1.6.1 UJM on MIRO

Now that we have all the responds gathers from the questionnaire, we had sufficient information to conclude a solution to propose to our client. So during one of our online meeting we had on Discord, we also worked on the Insight and How Might We on Miro.

From here, we worked on our proposal presentation slides

Fig. 1.6.2 Insight on MIRO

Fig. 1.6.3 HMW on MIRO

7. Initial Design Direction
As one of the Graphic Design students in the group, I was assigned the role of Art Director for our project. Since Adena, my fellow Graphic Design team member, had already taken on the role of Group Leader, I gladly stepped up to become the Art Director. My responsibility was to lead the group artistically and ensure that our visual concepts aligned with the project's objectives.

Working on the Art Direction and the brand-related elements allowed me to unleash my creativity and passion for design.

To kickstart our design process, I propose the first design direction to the team. I gathered the team's ideas and concepts and compiled them into a cohesive slide, which I presented during our discussions. The slide served as the starting point for our creative journey, and it allowed us to explore various visual concepts.

A. Logo
After coming to our initial brand name 'Miyu Herb', I started developing the logo with the help of Sasilvia's sketch.

Fig. 1.7.1 Logo Sketch

Fig. 1.7.2 Digitized Logo Sketch

B. Overall Initial Design Direction

Proposing the Design Direction

1. Graphical Elements

Fig. 1.8.1 Initial Graphical Elements (PDF)

2. Colour Palette

Fig. 1.8.2 Initial Colour Platte

Fig. 1.8.2 Initial Colour Palette

3. Mood Board

Fig. 1.8.3 Initial Mood Board

4. Typography & Typeset

Fig. 1.8.4 Initial Typeface

Fig. 1.8.5 Initial Typeface

5. Poster (Application Tester)

Fig. 1.8.6 Initial Posters (PDF)


Task 01: Proposal Presentation Slides

Task 02: Final Presentation
Our group leader, Adena, played a pivotal role in this phase by creating a comprehensive Gantt chart that outlined the various tasks and roles needed to accomplish our final presentation. She carefully considered each member's strengths and skills to ensure that we were assigned roles that suited us best. She wanted to ensure that we felt comfortable and motivated in our assigned roles. So after filling in our roles, she asked us if we wanted to change anuthing or if there were any specific areas we wished to contribute to further.

For my part, I took on the overall Art Direction. This role included designing the logo, selecting the color palette, choosing appropriate typefaces, and creating essential product packaging. Additionally, I was assigned to handle the brand merchandise, such as designing tote bags, and to oversee the customer service aspects, like creating engaging newsletters. Finally, Adena and I collaborated on developing the brand guidelines to maintain consistency and cohesiveness throughout the project.


1. Redesigning Haelan Herbs
Upon receiving feedback from Ms. Zae and Mr. Damien, we felt inspired to incorporate their insights extensively into our design and draw inspiration from renowned brands like Aesop. As part of my role, I took on the task of reimagining and rebranding Haelan Herbs, using Aesop's branding as a reference point.

To begin the creative process, I utilized Canva and collaborated with the team on Pinterest, where Yiki created a dedicated 'rebrand' section for our project. Brainstorming sessions with the team played a vital role in shaping our new brand direction, ensuring a cohesive and captivating visual identity that aligned with our project's objectives.

In this Canva slides which i compiled for the proposing and voting purposes for the group members. After much thoughts, the members all agreed on changing our primary colour to the warm brown proposed.

A. Redesigning Haelan Herbs: Canva Proposal Slides

B. Selecting Accent Colours

C. Final Haelan Herbs Design Direction


2. Product Packaging: Essential Oil

Fig. 2.2.1 Illustrator Work (creating packaging variations)

Fig. 2.2.2 Photoshop Work (editing onto the mockup)

Fig. 2.2.3 Final packaging work on 'Design Layer'

Fig. 2.2.4 Removing background for application

A. Proposal and Refinement

B. Final Outcome


3. Visual Identity: Brand Guidelines

A. Visual Identity: Logo

Fig. 2.3.1 Logo Rationalisation and Clear Space in Illustrator

Fig. 2.3.2 Logo Variations (PDF)

B. Visual Identity: Graphical Elements

Fig. 2.3.3 Graphical Element in Illustrator

Fig. 2.3.4 Graphical Element (PDF)

C. Visual Identity: Pattern

Fig. 2.3.5 Pattern in Illustrator

Fig. 2.3.6 Pattern (PDF)

D. Visual Identity: Imagery

Fig. 2.3.7 Imagery in Photoshop

Fig. 2.3.8 Imagery (PDF)

C. Final Outcome

Fig. 2.3.9 Brand Guideline (Visual Identity)


4. Social Media

A. Post 1 - 3 Development (Teaser Posts)

Fig. 2.4.1 Development in Illustrator (Teaser Posts)

B. Post 4 - 6 Development (Ingredients & Texture Posts)

Fig. 2.4.2 Development in Illustrator (Ingredients & Texture Posts)

Fig. 2.4.3 Development in Illustrator (Ingredients & Texture Posts)

C. Post 8 Development (Introduction Post)

Fig. 2.4.4 Development in Illustrator (Introduction Posts)

D. Post 10 - 12 Development (Essential Oil Posts)

Fig. 2.4.5 Development in Illustrator (Essential Oil Posts)

Fig. 2.4.6 Development in Photoshop (Essential Oil Posts)

Fig. 2.4.7 Development in Photoshop (Essential Oil Posts)

Fig. 2.4.8 Development in Photoshop (Essential Oil Posts)


C. Final Outcome


5. Brand Merchandise: Tote bags

A. Development

Fig. 2.5.1 Development in Illustrator (Tote Bag)

Fig. 2.5.2 Development in Photoshop (Tote Bag)

Fig. 2.5.3 Development in Photoshop (Tote Bag)

Fig. 2.5.4 Development in Photoshop (Tote Bag)

C. Final Outcome


6. Customer Service: Newsletters

A. Development

Fig. 2.6.1 Development in Canva (Newsletter)

Fig. 2.6.2 Development in Canva (Newsletter)

Fig. 2.6.3 Development in Canva (Newsletter)

Fig. 2.6.4 Development in Canva (Newsletter)


C. Final Outcome


7. Final Presentation Slides

Please refer to the Project Tracking Document for feedback!


During week one, we were introduced to a fascinating array of topics, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw 'Apothecary' as the first option. Curiosity piqued, I compared it to the others, hoping to find something equally captivating, but none could match the allure of 'Apothecary'. I recalled last year's thrilling experiences with Adena, exploring traditional practices like cupping, moxibustion, and acupuncture, which only deepened my intrigue. As the group started to take shape, I felt a mix of excitement and uncertainty. Knowing each other's abilities from previous group work, forming the team was relatively smooth. Alongside Adena and Alicia, we sought three more members, leading us to Yiki and Sasilvia. Then we are complete!

Week two was a whirlwind of activity, with Mr. Mike requesting Adena, Alicia, and me to synthesize our research findings. The prospect of presenting our insights to the team was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. We carefully considered Mr. Mike's feedback, eager to make improvements and impress during our next interaction. Later that week, a meeting with Mr. Damien heightened our enthusiasm. His inspiring perspective on 'Apothecary' left me feeling invigorated, yet the clarity of our direction also left me somewhat uncertain about the challenges that lay ahead.

Week three brought more feedback, and we made necessary improvements based on Mr. Mike's suggestions. I surveyed people around me for input on our brand name, and we finally settled on "Hælan Herbs" suggested by Sasilvia. As the art director, my role was to develop the overall design direction, including the logo, color palette, typography, and more.

During our site visit to D'Advance Agarwood Solutions, I was filled with excitement as Ms. Zaiqi provided us with a wealth of information about their products. The sensory experience, from exploring the diverse range of agarwood-infused items to sampling their tea, was truly eye-opening. As I captured photographs of the products, i was excited as i was envisioning how we could incorporate these intriguing elements into our project.

In week 5, our team gathered online for a productive Discord meeting. Excitement filled the air as we updated the MIRO board and teamed up in pairs to work on specific Google Doc sections before class. With encouraging progress, we eagerly awaited feedback from Mr. Mike on the focused products and age group segmentation.

In the weeks that followed, we faced highs and lows. Mr. Mike's feedback was invaluable, but at times, I couldn't help but wonder if I could meet his expectations. Surveys and feedback collection brought a mix of satisfaction and uncertainty. As we worked on refining our brand name, I was thrilled by the creative process, yet nervous about making the right decision.

Week seven marked a turning point in the design direction. Collaborating with Sasilvia, I felt the rush of excitement as our vision for the logo and graphical elements began to take shape. However, a tinge of doubt lingered, questioning if our ideas truly resonated with the audience. With the group's support and encouragement, we narrowed down the designs and hoped we had made the right choices for the presentation.

As the independent learning week arrived in week eight, I felt a sense of determination to do well. The revisions on the presentation slides, though challenging, gave me a surge of motivation. Developing the poster designs brought both satisfaction and self-doubt. I hoped my approach would stand out, but the uncertainty gnawed at me.

I was quite nervous as we geared up for our proposal presentation with Brandialogue. We practiced rigorously on Discord to ensure a seamless delivery, keeping the total presentation time under 20 minutes. On the presentation day, we faced some technical hurdles, but Adena's quick thinking saved the situation, and we successfully finished the presentation. Ms. Zae and Mr. Damien provided valuable feedback and approval. For my part, I embraced the challenge of reimagining and rebranding Haelan Herbs, taking inspiration from Aesop's branding. As the week progressed, we shared progress updates and worked collaboratively on the project.

For me week 10 left uncertainty as we received feedback from Mr. Mike on the design direction, including refining the type and justifying the new color palette. I diligently continued working on the design direction, solidifying the brand's identity.

After some refinements, I was feeling quite determiend to receive feedback from Mr. Mike, aiming for a fixed direction. We honed in on the brand personality, intertwining the design direction around it. We also received feedback for the website pages, motivating us to push our creative boundaries further. I continued refining the design direction, seeking approval from the team and further developing the concept.

The week brimmed with progress as myself, Adena, Alicia, and Sasilvia got feedback from Mr. Mike on the design direction and social media plans. Collaboratively, we fine-tuned and improved our work based on the valuable feedback provided.

The week was filled with intense focus and creativity. I worked on refining my tasks, ensuring each element of the project shone. Our collective efforts paid off as we worked together, supporting each other's tasks and delivering feedback for continuous improvement.

This week, Mr. Mike's approval for most of our designs and mockups fueled our motivation to refine them further. As a team, we collaborated and continued refining our works based on the feedback, pushing our creativity to its limits. It was nearing the final presentation and very nerve-wrecking!

The final week was an aculmination of hard work and dedication. With the finish line in sight, we met to ensure a smooth presentation. Nerves gripped me as we rehearsed diligently on Discord, aiming for a flawless delivery. I am proud of my team's dedication and hard work throughout this project, and I am grateful for the opportunity to do work and overall uni with such talented and supportive friends.


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