Creative Brand Strategy: Task 2A & 2B

 25.05.2022 - 09.06.2023 (Week 3 - Week 6)

Adeline Wong Chyn Nee / 0344017 / Tai Li Lian
Creative Brand Strategy
Task 2A & 2B / Ideation & Design Direction


Task 2A / Design Ideation
Week 03 - Week 04

We were tasked to continue touchpoints research and connect them to see how they benefit the campaign. 

Week 04 - Improvements
After the week 3 feedback, I attempt to join the dots of the touchpoints of my campaign and tried to make it make sense. I started by arranging my touchpoints in a chronological order and gave them a description, the image below is what I came down to in terms of the order.

Previously, I had made a customer journey map that was impossible to read from an overview screenshot, so I decided to summarise, correct, and apply the points into a new customer journey map format so that it is readable from the slides. Below are the comparison of before and after the improvements.

Week 04 - Application List Development and Justification
After the week 3 feedback, I expanded my application list from from 4-5 items to 8 items. That way, I am able to include more touchpoints to fill the user journey map and at the same time, add more benefits to my campaign.

Require 3 applications:- 

1.    Social Media
For the social media of Eat A Bit Of Everything, I feel that only by having two or more strong colours would it justified the fun and eclectic design style. Naturally, they will be paired with bold and big type headings for a complete design, however the colours are most important as it would act as the base of everything, type, graphical elements, imageries, and so on...

2.    Website
The concept of the website would be very similar to social media, as the important aspects like having 2-3 strong colours with featuring of big typos remains. However, more focus on user experience would be as important as well. A consumer should be able to find the activities, benefits, merchandise, videos and more on here, so multiple pages are to be created for that.

3.    Promotional Video
To be shot and edited into a VHS style video with subtitles

Video is estimated to be at 30 seconds at max, here is the storyline I wrote:

Story starts with a mother figure working hard to prepare a vegetable dish in the kitchen (3s) then cuts to the next scene where she nags her children to finish the vegetable dish (4s). Child would show frustration and refusal to eat despite the mother's scoldings (4s). Story to climax with the mother mouthing the brand name ‘Eat A Bit Of Everything” in an irritated tone while pointing repeatedly towards her child (6s). Ending will be a cut to her guilty child playing with their food on the plate (2s), then the child would show hesitant to pick up the last bit of vegetable (3s), but then after one quick exchange of looks with the mother (3s) would make the child eat it anyways in the end to avoid any more scoldings (2s). Video will be cut to black immediately.

Other than the required 3 applications, my touchpoints would contain so many more different applications that a consumer can benefit from this campaign.

Other applications such as:

- Billboard (or posters)
Billboards and/or posters should reflect the social media, the strong colours and loud type will be consistently kept throughout all campaign designs with any message of promotion.

- Campaign guidance features

- Campaign info board
There will be simple shapes to depict the data, with strong accent colours that grab attention of the consumer as it shows a clear visual hierarchy. The infographics should also be downloadable for easy sharing. Also, they will be edited and easily accessed on social media.

- "Childhood home" Installations
The VCR TV will be placed in the grocery store and playing a repeated short clip from promotional video. These are nostalgic home furnitures that can be reminisced such as the old tv, and a refrigerator that shows it has been through times (should be old model or defected). For the consumers, it would feel out-of-place and therefore intriguing.

- QR code display
They are to be displayed on bright background in big scale for easy scanning from a distance (promotional video for outdoor, and app QR for on-site). At the bottom of it, would accommodate the campaign name or slogan in bright accent colour.

- Shopping bags
The bag should be in campaign colour for easy recognition. A message that acts as a receipt of participation will be designed onto the front, something like “Veggies in my tummy” OR “Are you eating well?” to show how the campaign is about health and staying healthy through promoting good eating habits.

Task 2B / Design Direction
Week 05 - Week 06

Tone of Voice
For the style I'm using to communicate with the audience, a voice I will use to represent the brand personality, and emotional tone is positive, fun, and engaging, as it has to reciprocate the brand image.

Brand Personality
The set of human personality traits this brand would have is quirky, relatable, wholesome, and out-of-the-box. Those should be the impression consumers have in their mind while participating in the campaign.

Colour Palette
The colours chosen reflect both tone of voice and brand personality in terms of being a fun, quirky, and positive-looking brand. The primary colours would take up most of the brand as the main brand maker colours, then the secondary colours are the add-ons to allow the designs to have more freedom by combining the two. A good example would be, purple and green, or green and yellow colour pairing, any way that would make the designs pop. Lastly, the accent colours are to be used for further info showing, highlight colours, and such.

Owner Extra Wide Bold will be used for the heading typeface, Fagun light for the body text, and Owner Extra light for any text to be highlighted. I chose this loud typeface to resonate with the brand name, which has to be said in a nagging tone, sometimes angry.

Logo Style
The logo depicts a mother-figure nagging her child to eat their vegetables. Illustration style is child-like and quirky

The imageries would feel like the scenario "imagine an adult getting nagged by their mother/ aunts/ grandmas to finish their food. So more dramatic angles and in your face. These imageries are to be used on posters, billboards, etc...

Graphical Element
The character elements would depict a child-like drawing and it will look fun and quirky. It should feel welcoming and positive. These elements are to used on the website, posters, billboards, and etc...


Final Presentation Slides


Week 5
Specific feedback
Task 2A & 2B:

For my colour palette and typography, I was encourages to show more visual style for photographs and illustrations and then elaborate then. I should also try out more typos and typeset to see which is better. I also should have more secondary colours, expanding and make combinations of them

For my billboard/ posters, I was advised strongly to make them like the social media, with strong colours and big type as well, basically to bring back what I have in my touchpoints.

For my infographics, I was advised to make them downloadable to make it accessible, then to also make them available online as one of the posts.

For my QR code displays, I was advised to bump them up to make them attractive and not just solely displaying the code, so i could include graphical elements in them.

For my promotional video, I was advised to expand them in a separate slide, think of a more comprehensive video outline


Finishing the 'Eat A Bit Of Everything' design direction task was such a rewarding experience. I learned a ton about creating a brand campaign from scratch and it was so interesting to see all the little details that go into it. From brainstorming to research, I discovered how each tiny decision contributes to shaping a brand's image. It was amazing to watch my ideas come to life and truly capture the essence of 'Eat A Bit Of Everything.' Towards the end of the task, I got sick and missed the presentation. It was a bummer, but I still learned a lot from the process. I may not have had the chance to showcase my work, but the skills I gained are what really matter. I'm excited to take what I've learned from this task and apply it to future projects on brand identity. Knowing how to navigate the ins and outs of designing a brand campaign will be so valuable. 'Eat A Bit Of Everything' has laid a solid foundation for my growth as a designer, and I'm grateful for the lessons it taught me. Looking back, I appreciate the opportunity this task gave me. It emphasized the importance of attention to detail, research, and creativity in shaping a brand. It also reminded me that setbacks can be opportunities for growth.

Building a healthy brand image is crucial in today's consumer landscape, particularly for green brands aiming to establish credibility in their environmental commitments. The article "3 Lessons in Fulfilling Green Brand Promise" offers valuable insights into this process.

Key Points:

Authenticity and transparency: Green brands must be genuine and transparent about their sustainability efforts to gain consumer trust.

Tangible actions: Green brands need to showcase concrete steps, such as adopting renewable energy or reducing waste, to support their green promises.

Engaging storytelling: Compelling narratives about a brand's environmental mission and values can forge a deeper connection with consumers.

Collaborative partnerships: Collaborations with credible organizations and initiatives can amplify a brand's impact and enhance consumer trust.

By embracing authenticity, tangible actions, engaging storytelling, and collaborations, green brands can strengthen their image, build consumer trust, and contribute to a sustainable future.


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