
Advanced Interactive Design: Task 02

19 .06.2023 - 18.07.2023 (Week 12 - Week 16) Adeline Wong Chyn Nee / 0344017 / Mr. Razif Advanced Interactive Design Task 02 INSTRUCTION For this task, I have decided to utilise a fictional brand campaign I created called 'Eat A Bit Of Everything'. In short, it's a fun campaign that brings back those childhood memories when our parents used to nag us about eating our veggies. Village Grocer is showcasing their freshest and best-grade produce, hoping to inspire us to live a healthier life with benefits and offers. A. Creating the Pages I first created the layout on Illustrator, there are a total of 5 pages including the intro page. Website Pages: 1.    Intro page (welcome page) 2.    About Us page 3.    Promotion page 4.    Merch page 5.    Contact page B. Arranging the Movie Clips The intro page and rest of the 4 pages are separated in the timeline C. Animating Process I utilised Classic Tween for animating

Minor Project / Haelan Herbs

3.04.2023 - 16.07 .2023 (Week 1 - Week 15) Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media Adeline Wong Chyn Nee / 0344017 / Mike Choong Minor Project / Haelan Herbs INSTRUCTIONS